Saturday, October 27, 2012

Ward Halloween Party

I am so on top of the ball right now!  *knock on wood* 
    We got back from the Ward Halloween party about an hour ago.  The chili and pie were delicious, the company was good and the girls had a blast playing the games and trick or treating around the church! 
My favorite game by far was angry birds.  It was so fun!

Kira playing angry birds.  She didn't knock any down.

Rubber ducky race with her friend.

Rora knocked them down on her first try!  Ok, she might have had a little help ;)

Top left: Trick or Treat!
Middle left: ghost toss
Bottom left: Pop the balloon
Middle: Isn't she just so adorable!?!
Top right: Rora was a little unsure...
Kira LOVED every second of it...
isn't 6 such a fun age!!
Bottom left: Face painting!

Happy Halloween!! 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mother Nature Farm

   A couple weeks ago we went on a field trip to Mother Nature Farm.  It was a little dissapointing compared to Lyon or Tate farm in Alabama, but overall the girls had a blast and that's what it's all about...not the fact that the hay ride went past a junk pile and they didn't just picked their pumpkins out of a pile, there was no corn crib, etc, etc.  But it was fun.  Kira's friend Emma is also homeschooled and the girls had fun playing together.  Josh was even able to go with us since it was on his day off. 

 Girls are so silly!  Kira had just gotten her camera and took a million pictures!
 I told her to go stand over there so we could see how tall she was and this is the pose I got.  :)

 I am in love with this pic!  The sky was so pretty that day!

Her first pickle! 

Calling all the Monsters

Kira has worked really hard the last few weeks learning the calling all the monsters dance. She performed it at Stagecoach days yesterday and did fabulously! They even let Rora dance even though all she did was look like an adorable zombie. I am so proud of my girls! Way to go Kira and thanks to DSPA for giving her such a fun memory!


A few couple months ago we bought a cricket for the girls to shoot.  There is a great range about 30 minutes from our house that just happens to be near a chipotle. (My all time FAVORITE place to eat!)  We have been going shooting as a family date about once a week.  The girls love it.  Kira is getting quite good at hititng the target and (if allowed) will sit there shoot, load, shoot, reload, shoot, etc, etc.  She only stops when we tell her it's Rora's turn.  It's quite nice not to have to reload for her after each shot.  Kira says her favorite thing about shooting is shooting her dress and the target.  She just had a 'monster' dance performance where we made her a zombie (it's cheap!) She got to shoot her dress and had a blast with it!
Oh, and Ella is just oh so adorable and has no problem wearing the ear muffs.

 Yes, she is nursing...Oh so adorable!!  I am exploding with love for her!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


   Kira is in kindergarten this year.  We started the year doing the k12 program.  My intent was for her to quickly get through the kindergarten material and move onto first grade, where she is academically.  Not the case.  The work was so tedious.  She started sailing through and stopped paying attention.  Which scares the daylights out of me since I sailed through a few years of school and had to re-learn how to work when I finally had a teacher who challenged me. Anyways, she stopped trying and was sailing.  So even though she made the honor roll for the first quarter of school, I pulled her out and am now officially homeschooling her. 
   Part of me is terrified that I will mess her up, but the larger part feels at peace and is excited to see her being challenged and grow.  I love the idea of catering the lesson plan to her.  I know it's going to take more work on my part, but I know that the more work you put into something, the bigger the reward.  So on to our new adventure.  Wish us luck!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Meet Andromeda and a Camping Trip

Welcome to our family Andromeda!  We hope that we don't run you to the ground to soon and that we can have many, many memories made with you!

Well, we bought a motorhome.  We took her camping this week to Roosevelt Lake.  It was such a fun trip, even if we failed at cooking.  Next trip will be better...It can't get much worse! 
Kira's favorite memory was throwing rocks in the water. 
Rora enjoyed looking for Brownies.
Josh enjoyed just spending time together as a family.  Oh, and his hike with Kira.
My favorite was playing UNO with everyone.  Rora saying 'Oh shucks" when she had to draw cards and both girls laughter as Josh drew card after card after card. 

I love my little family and the memories we make.

I can't believe that my baby girl is 6.  Where did the time go?  It seems only yesterday I was figuring out that I would rather hold her while she sleeps than have her cry it out.  Only yesterday while I held her tiny hand and cried with her as she lay under the bili lights.  Only yesterday when she said 'Mama' for the first time, when she smiled a milk smile.  When she buried her head in my chest and held my hair to go to sleep.  Ah, I love my girl so much!  Happy Birthday Kira!!

How old are you? 6

What is your favorite color? Pink
Last year: pink and purple

What is your favorite animal? A pony
Last year: A pony and a horsey
What is your favorite food? macaroni and cheese
Last year: chicken noodle soup and cereal and milk

What do you want to be when you grow up? A horse rider
Last year:  A ballerina and ballerina teacher.
This one really surprised me.  I thought for sure she would pick Ballerina again with how much dance is currently consuming her life...

What is your favorite book? A little Dinosaur
Last year: The Nutcracker
What is your favorite song? I love to see the Temple
I LOVE that this one didn't change.

What is your favorite TV show? Angelina Ballerina
Not surprising, this one didn't change either...I told you dance was all consuming...
What is your biggest accomplishment? I'm getting good at my Nutcracker dance.
Yep, dance again. ;)
Last year: Vacuuming my room and the living room - I'm kind of sad that her current accomplishment doesn't help with the housework!

What is your favorite season? Christmas.  (me: that isn't a season) Winter. Why? because it snows and I like snow. Last year: Winter. Why? because it's cold and it feels like it's going to snow. And Christmas.

Sadly, we now live in Arizona so there is much, much less chance of snow than in Alabama...did I mention that its October and at 6:30 (just past dusk) today it was 97 outside...will it ever get cool!?!
Where would you like to go for a vacation? Camping again.
Last year: Disney World
I'm good with both her vacation ideas. 
What is your favorite activity? paint.  I'm really surprised at this one.  She doesn't ask to paint very often.
Last year: Dance class
What is your favorite place to go for dinner? Chipotle.  Because they have those yummy chips and yummy beans.
Last year: Red Lobster
I love Chipotle too!  Great choice Kira!
Who is your best friend? Brooklyn
Last year: Eli
It saddens me that she didn't pick Eli.  They have been best friends for so long, but alas, we don't live near them and while she looks at his picture at least twice a week, (yes, she still LOVES her photo album!), they don't get to play together anymore.  I am glad that she has a couple good friends here.

Kira just started piano lessons, she is reading Pioneer Sisters, a Little House on the Prairie early chapter book, she loves being the big sister and will gladly take Ella and play with her or just bounce her when she fusses.  She dances everywhere.  Her laughter lights up my life.  Her live is infectious.  She has changed me more ways than I can count.  I am so blessed to be her Mother.  Happy Birthday to my Princess.  I love you!!

*This picture was taken a couple weeks ago, this is pretty much what everyday looks like around here.  Love my girl!