I am trying harder to update more often. The only problem is that our life doesn't really have much going on. We are crazy busy, yet have nothing to show for it.
Here is a simple update on Kira. She is turning into the sweetest little lady. So caring. We just started 'teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons.' She is doing fantastic and loves it! Thanks to my cousin Nikki for letting me know about this great program!
Next week we are heading to Atlanta to the temple open house. She can't wait to be inside the temple. I love how sacred she treats it. It's a joy to behold.
Each night before and after we read the scriptures we MUST sing the books of the Book of Mormon song. She loves it and had the song memorized on our second night of singing it :)
Aurora is turning into a little girl much faster than I care to admit. She is trying to talk more which is so fun. I love to listen to baby voices. Is there anything more precious? She won't let me pick her clothes anymore. She has to wear what she wants to wear (out of two choices Mommy picks) letting her pick her clothes has stopped a few of her tantrums, but boy can she throw a tantrum! She is just so darn stubborn!
The biggest Rora news I have is that she is off the binki! When we got Kira off we had her throw them all in the garbage and we took the sack to the compactor so she could see that they were gone. Rora isn't quite to that level like Kira was (even though Kira was a month younger) so I just stopped giving it to her. She has been completely off for 4 days! Way to go Rora!
Josh and I are still just plugging along. I truly have a fantastic life!
Fun update. Your kids are so sweet!