Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Angel Tree

Angel tree opened last Friday. This year there are over 3700 children, disabled and seniors that need to be adopted. The numbers are staggering. The Angel tree is only one of the Christmas charities that helps locally. My heart breaks for all those in need, both locally and globally.
With Thanksgiving around the corner, I have been reflecting on the many things that I can be thankful for, starting with the ability to not only care for my children's needs, but that we can also help someone else's children. But then I feel guilty. The blessings that I receive when I adopt an angel, or work the booth are far greater than anything that I give. Isn't it amazing the way that our Heavenly Father gives us tenfold whatever we give. I just wish everyone would know about the blessings we receive when we give. Even if you have nothing, give of your time, you will be blessed for it. How can you afford not to?
Anyway, back to Angel Tree...please adopt. Use it as an opportunity to teach your children about the joy of giving. Last year Kira had a hard time understanding that we were giving away the gifts we collected. She even worked hard and was great about spending her money to buy a toy to donate. But she really didn't understand that it went to one person. This year, she told me that she wanted to give away a barbie that she received last Christmas. We haven't opened it yet because she got two of the same barbie and we were waiting until the first one needed to be replaced. We got first pick of the Angel's since we put the cards together and were able to find siblings that are near my girls ages. As soon as we got home and started collecting gifts that we had already, Kira went to her barbies, pulled out the unopened one and offered it for the Angel.
There is no greater joy for me as a Mom to see that she is understanding the joy that giving brings. With that said, as Thanksgiving approaches, please find some way that you can give. I promise that the more you give the more you receive. I know that it works in my life.


  1. It's so great that you are teaching her at such a young age! It's the most rewarding thing to see the results when your children are grown and know how to serve and give! Your life is an honor to your mom who showed you the way!
