Tuesday, October 16, 2012


   Kira is in kindergarten this year.  We started the year doing the k12 program.  My intent was for her to quickly get through the kindergarten material and move onto first grade, where she is academically.  Not the case.  The work was so tedious.  She started sailing through and stopped paying attention.  Which scares the daylights out of me since I sailed through a few years of school and had to re-learn how to work when I finally had a teacher who challenged me. Anyways, she stopped trying and was sailing.  So even though she made the honor roll for the first quarter of school, I pulled her out and am now officially homeschooling her. 
   Part of me is terrified that I will mess her up, but the larger part feels at peace and is excited to see her being challenged and grow.  I love the idea of catering the lesson plan to her.  I know it's going to take more work on my part, but I know that the more work you put into something, the bigger the reward.  So on to our new adventure.  Wish us luck!

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