Sunday, April 25, 2010


I try to start off every Sunday by writing a paragraph or two to each of my children telling them about their week. Placing my hopes and dreams for them in text. It has become one of my most cherished times of the week.
I started writing on Mothers Day last year, just after I found out that I was pregnant with Aurora. It was going to be just the one note, yet as the week progressed there were so many more things that I wanted to tell her that come the next Sunday, I sat down to write again. It's been almost a year and I have 13 pages of love for Aurora. Forever immortalized are the things I craved, the days when I was scared because I couldn't keep 300 calories down, the first time I felt her move inside me and every other significant or insignificant milestone. As Kira gets older and has started to 'play wedding' and to 'date' I have been able to write down my dreams for her to not go down the path I went down, but to find her prince charming and to get married in the temple. My hope is as she grows she will feel my love eminating through the words I write and understand the reasons that she should live the way we are raising her.
Along with my writings there are two little paragraphs from their Daddy to each girl. I love my Dad, yet he wouldn't have done that. It makes my heart melt to see Josh pouring out his love for his children. I love that Kira has come to expect her Daddy to notice when she gets her hair done in the morning, or gets dressed and to tell her how beautiful she is. Part of me is a little sad that I didn't have that as a child, yet the larger part of me is so greatful that my girls are going to grow up secure in the knowledge that their Daddy loves them more than life itself.
This is my version of a diary. It is more of a greatful diary than my previous diaries, which seem to end up more lists of what has transpired than anything else. It takes only a few minutes and hopefully one day my pregnant daughter can read exactly what her mom went through during that week of her pregnancy and relate to it. This is the way to keep those memories alive in a few minutes once a week and I love it!


  1. Your little girls are so lucky to have such wonderful parents Char. I know they will love reading through those when they get older. What a great idea.

  2. Thats a really good idea! I'm sure they will love it when they get older too.
