Tuesday, January 17, 2012

23 week Dr visit...

I went to the dr today and...I GAINED 3 POUNDS! WOOHOO!! Now i'm up to 129. The baby is growing great, sitting extremely low. In the future (future pregnancies) I might have problems because my uterus is getting lower each pregnancy. Thankfully, right now even though I am having braxton hicks contractions and pelvic pain (the kind that normally doesn't come until the baby drops at the very end of pregnancy) my cervix is still completely closed. Thank the Lord! I've been very worried about it the last week. Oh, and did I mention that the baby is a girl!?! Welcome to the world (in May) Ariella Cheyenne!


  1. Congrats Charsty! Welcome to the 3 girls club :)

  2. Congratulations! I'm so glad that you gained some weight :) and things are doing all right.

  3. I am SO excited/thrilled for you! Three GIRLS! Yahoo! :)

  4. Life with three girls is sweet! (Trust me - I know!) Fun to see you blogging! I've been at it for years, love it.
