Monday, April 16, 2012

The healthiest person I know...

So my friend Jenny made a comment to me about a month ago that has stuck with me enough that I feel like I should clarify. We were talking about health and weight and how the two don't necessarily go hand in hand. Some people that eat extremely healthy aren't the 'perfect' weight and then there are those that eat mostly junk who are 'super-model skinny.' She mentioned that someone who is 'the healthiest person she knows' falls into the obese category and we were talking about how the guidelines are sometimes ridiculous. Her next comment however, threw me off guard. She followed up her "healthiest person I know with ...aside from you of course." And I have to ask, really? I know I don't eat the best all the time. Quite often I've been known to slip and eat things that aren't healthy. I have my fair share of foods that I have a hard time saying no to, I sometimes get fast food, or eat processed foods, binge, etc, etc. So I just want to clarify that while it is flattering to think that I can be viewed as 'healthy,' I know many people who are much, much healthier than I. Please don't ever think that I am some uber healthy person. Just know that I am only trying and I too have a long way to go on my health journey. One day I want to join the ranks of the healthiest people I know. For now, I just keep learning more and trying. We can keep trying together!


  1. and then there is me. Not even on the radar! Good for you Charsty. You do amazingly well.

  2. hahahahahaha, I just happened to look at your blog tonight. I say that because you eat veggies, no where near as much processed food as me, and you drink a lot of water. You can even make your own bread, with fresh ground wheat. I'm not saying you are perfect, I don't know anyone who is, but you do try and that is what I notice. I make dough rocks, my kids will not eat veggies, or most fruits. The only thing I constantly hear in my house is that they want crackers, pizza, peanut butter, mac n cheese, or fruit snacks. That is why I consider you more healthy. :) Love ya
