Friday, May 4, 2012

Cord Blood

I just want to do a quick post on the umbilical cord blood. For the majority of women having a baby, the baby comes out, the cord gets cut, the placenta is born and the cord is discarded. That's it. But should it be it? The cord blood is so rich in stem cells that it is miraculous. Now ideally for your child you have two options. You can either leave the cord attached so all that magical blood enters their body, or you can bank the blood in case your child one day needs a miracle. There is however, a third option that most people don't know about, donating your babies cord blood. It takes no extra effort on your part, all you do is cut the cord and the dr has to do a bit more work to bank the blood, same as you would if you were saving it for yourself. Yet the implications are huge. There are so many people that the cord blood could save, either through research, (More advancements have been made using cord blood stem cells than aborted baby stem cells, and this doesn't involve murder!) or through a transfusion. So next time you are considering having a baby, please take a moment to think about the difference you can make in someones life by donating your babies cord blood.

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